Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesday ~ SGI

We woke up early and my mom, Cole and I went for a walk on the beach. We came back and grabbed Susan and all went for a jeep ride around the island. We stopped at the produce stand and from there walked to the market. There were some cats running around and one was just as interested in Cole as Cole was in him. However, just as Cole went up to give the cat a little love, he (being Cole) sneezed and scared the cat to death and that cat took off running. Cole wasn't quite sure what had happened. It was hilarious. We headed back to the house and Cole played out in the pool for a bit before lunch and then took a long 3.5 hour nap. After his nap we packed up for the beach and Katie, Cole and Karie arrived back at the beach and join us. The water was crystal clear and the perfect temperature. We all enjoyed the water. Cole once again heard the work "Walk" and took off down the beach. There was a little girl blowing some big bubbles that stopped him for a bit but then off he was............

We came back for dinner and then he decided he would rather play with his pj bottoms than wear them. Off to bed for another fun day in the sun tomorrow...................

Cole woke up with his hair looking like he had stuck his finger in a light socket.

Delicious salsa we made with avocado.
Cole and Emmy
Cole jumping the waves.
How dang pretty is it?

Katie, Cole, Karie and Cole

He was "all done."
PJs on his head

There is the "O" face.

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