Monday, April 6, 2009

Surprise Visitors

Once again, it was a nice weekend fortunately after what seemed to be endless rainy weather in Tallahassee. On Saturday afternoon, the Garber's got surprise visitors. My mom and step-dad were traveling back from NC and decided to get off in Tifton to come visit for the night. Although they were barely in town 12 hours, they did get a chance to visit with Cole. Below are a few pictures from their visit.

I call this Cole's "The Scream" face as you may see why from the next picture.
Then Cole wasn't quite ready for his nap so I bravely loaded him up for a trip to Publix. To keep him occupied at Publix he had a cookie, deli meat and a balloon. All were crucial for the grocery trip to be a success! He then didn't let go of the balloon for most of the afternoon.

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