Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cole home "sick"

Cole was sent home today at 8:30 for throwing up. I had barely been at work before the dreaded call. However, I was able to head out and go pick him up. My suspicion was that he was fine, just that he had probably choked on post-nasal drip. But being the rule follower I am, I went to get him. I had forgotten something at my office so I was able to show him off a bit at work. That was fun. Once we got home I realized I did not have a sick child on my hands but one that was ready to play, so I put him to work. We cleaned out the dining room and turned it back into a dining room, which for those of you who have seen my dining room, you will be amazed. Here is a picture of Cole being oh so helpful.

After some cleaning, we took a break for lunch. Cole was eating as I prepared my lunch and I heard him asking for more. I then realized he wanted more hot dog. So I cut him up some, took it over to him, put it on his plate and I sat down to eat. I didn't realize that he was zoning out and obviously getting a little sleepy until I looked over and saw this.

Needless to say, off to bed he went and once he woke up it was back to dancing, cleaning and playing.

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