Thursday, March 15, 2012

Cole's Thoughts and updates

Before we begin, Cole has started calling the baby Sporty. He didn't quite understand how that name qualifies more as a nickname rather than an official first name, although I know there are worse names out there in the universe. However, he has now decided that his name should be Dawson. Dawson was one of our names before we even got pregnant and we have mentioned it along with some others but Cole seems to have taken to it. So it looks like we will probably be moving forward with Dawson XXX Garber.

With that, here is a recent conversation we had.....

Referring to us (Brian and I) calling Cole his nickname, Pumpkin....
Cole: Mom will you start calling me Big Pumpkin and Dawson, Little Pumpkin?
Mom: No, you will always be Pumpkin. Sporty/Dawson will have his own nicknames.
Cole: Right, ok, you can call him Jack-O-Lantern.

Referring to the two teachers at Creative who have their PhD's
Cole: Mom, you know that Dr. Laura and Dr. Pam aren't real doctors like the ones who give you shots. They are just teacher doctors.

Upon receiving Hugo in the mail from Netflix
Mom: Cole would you like to watch a movie with me tonight?
Cole: What movie?
Mom: Hugo
Cole: What is it about?
Me grabbing the envelope the DVD is delivered in to read him the brief synopsis. After reading the two sentence description of the movie to Cole.
Cole: Short movie, huh?
Spitting out food laughing......

Driving home from school one afternoon.
Cole: You know I can count in spanish. Uno, Tres, Seis.
Mom: Good job.
Cole: And I know how to say good morning in Chinese, Bonjour.
Mom: Actually, that is French .

Heading to T-ball practice.
Cole: How do you say "thank you" in French?
Seriously, I took a couple years of French, could not come up with it so I had to google it......SAD! Merci!

Looks like we need to brush up on our early childhood skillsoreign languages.......Imagine when he gets to Adverbs and Pronouns. Gsheesh!

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