Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter 2010

Cole creating a masterpiece.

Cole and Devenney reading each other books.

Cole and Devenney playing the part of teacher and reading us the books.

Cole and Cassidy watching what I assume is Elmo or Dora at St. Teresa.
Cole goofing off in his old Moses basket. Amazing that he and Suzanna both fit in there when they were first born.

Cole watching Jake play Wii on a Sundy Funday. Although it doesn't appear Cole is having any fun. I belive he kept saying "my turn, my turn".
We tricked him and took out the batteries of the other remote. Worked like a charm.
Easter 2010
The table was set for Easter Brunch
Cole comes tearing down the sidewalk and then makes a vast left hand turn onto the driveway. It is so dangerous but he loves it. Boys!!!

Hunting eggs, he was ok with the ones with money in them but was completely excited to find the ones with gummy bunny's in them.

Found a gummy!

Where is the gummy?

I was able to keep these beautiful flowers alive for a long time but unfortuately the heat has killed them now.

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