Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Funny Words and Sayings

Cole is hilarious, I mean he is one funny kid! The things he is mimicking is good, as in they are funny, and bad, as in, that is a mommy saying, not a Cole saying. For example:

When he gets out of the bathtub, he loves to run around the house naked and scream, "Naked Baby!"

We tell him to "Listen to my words" when we need him to pay attention, calm down, etc. He likes to repeat that phase! Not funny!

The other thing is we will say "Cole I don't like it when you....." you know, instead of screaming "NO" all the time. So again, he in turn let's you know when he doesn't like something. " I don't a like a that momma." Not funny!

I asked him to tell someone what animals he saw at the Junior Museum shortly after he had been there. The correct answers would have included panther, alligator, deer, horse, pig, bird, skunk........the incorrect answers he will still tell you to this day are "Monkeys, Elephants and Camels." We did go to the circus this year and see an elephant and a camel but he has never seen a live monkey. Who knows!

He has recently began to understand that my first name is Elizabeth and Brian's is, well, Brian's. With that said, he has on occasion called me Elizabeth. I have only heard him say Brian when I have said it (or lets be honest) screamed it across the house to get Brian's attention. We will need to get an intercom or simply begin to walk to the room where each other is. Anyways, Saturday we had a shower for my friend Amy and as it dwindled down I put Cole to bed for a nap. It was after one so I knew he was exhausted. He did his usual talking and singing but all of a sudden we all realized he was screaming "E-liz-a-bet" from his room at the top of his lungs, over and over and over. So I finally went in to figure out what in the world he wanted. I assumed it was there were still people there for him to show off in front of. When I went in I realized that he had a dirty diaper by the smell and asked him "did you poopoo?" His response:......."I sure did mamma!" No lie, that was his exact words.

He is now, and Courtnie, I remember Devenney saying this one. "No way" to answer a "no" question a little more dramatically.

He told a little girl at school the other day that she was "adorable". He also tells me I am pretty, which is so sweet and then tells me "I pretty too mamma". I try to tell him he is handsome but you know he can be pretty. What do I care????

Finally, when he gets in trouble and is over the situation, whether or not we are, he tells us "I happy mamma/dadda", "I so happy". "Mamma happy too?" Seriously, how do you not get happy at that? Regardless if he just chucked his tonka truck at the expensive television, regardless if he just bit you.......you say, "yes, mamma happy too"

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