Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Just a Note!

I am just astounded daily on all the new things Cole is up to. This morning the phone rang and he quickly say’s “hello.” Also, he will take any phone (or a calculator since that looks like a phone to) and walk around with it to his ear with his head cocked sideways like when we hold it with our shoulder. He is also saying “OK” which sounds like “O-tay Mama”, again adorable. The other night I was reading him books and got to the last one and I said “one more book”. Well once that book was finished he looked at me and said “one more book” and nodded his head like, right? Speaking of books, he has also started to read to his stuffed animals. As you can see he is mimicking most things we do.

He was just moved up to the next classroom at school which means he is getting older, and is a reality I hate to accept. Yesterday I picked him up and he was in the new classroom and they were about to have their milk. Well in the new class, no more sippy cups. Needless to say he was covered in milk but did actually succeed in getting some in his mouth. Also his teacher told me he had a great day. One of the little girls in the class apparently wasn’t leaving the classroom when they were all going outside. Cole went back into the class, grabbed the little girls hand and escorted her to the playground, hand in hand.

Cole constantly amazes us in how much his brain absorbs, processes and spits out. He is a really funny little boy and is really happy. We couldn’t be more in love with Cole.

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