Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cole's 2nd Birthday

We had such a great weekend celebrating Cole's birthday as well as Halloween. Emmy and Papa came up from Orlando for the weekend. Saturday afternoon we had a few of Cole's closest friends and parents (HA!) over for a Birthday/Halloween celebration. He continues to say "Happy Day" and after everyone sang "Happy Day to Cole" he looked around and said "More, More" so needless to say, everyone sang it again.

Unfortunately Cole was not participating in wearing his 70's Disco costume. Here he is almost dressed and here he is afterwards. And here is how cute he would have looked had he actually wore it.

After the party we took a small hayride around a nearby neighborhood and trick or treated at a handful of homes. Cole thoroughly enjoyed himself and I did too. He carried around his "pumpkin patch" aka a pumpkin to collect his candy in. A pumpkin is called a "pumpkin patch". Whatever, right? Also, he totally understood the concept of "trick or treat" and how effective it was to get candy in the pumpkin patch. Of course he only likes lollipops and twizzlers. Hum, he definitely gets that from me!

Susan, Emmy, Papa and Cole
Emmy and Cole
Cole's way to play with the trains.
Cody wearing Cole's afro for his Halloween costume.
He didn't want to open his gifts from us. ( I love this too because he is "hiding")
Cole and Emmy playing in his new tent.
Cole and Emmy carved the pumpkin on Saturday morning.

He loves to ring the doorbell.
Here are a few of the other characters who came to celebrate with Cole.
Sydney the beautiful witch.
Ansley the hippie and Sydney the beautiful witch.
Here is what Cole would have looked like had he cooperated and wore his costume.

However, here you see my struggle trying to get his costume on......
And this was right after, he wasn't happy, clearly. He HATED the afro "hat". The funniest thing too was we kept calling the afro a hat to see if that would help him to wear it. Well we had the music station on and I don't remember which group it was but you know how they show the pictures of the artists, well they all had afros and Cole looked at the TV and said, "look mommy, hats". It was pretty funny!

Cassidy the adorable witch
Chase as Batman!
Bradford the football player.
Since Cole wasn't a fan of his disco costume, I changed him into this and called him a golfer. Also, here is Cody as a pirate.
Drew was, and I will probably get this wrong, a zombie skateboarder???

Devenney as Wonder Woman.

Blowing out Cole's candle.
Here we are as hippies.
Playing out in the yard.
Cassidy also was a fan of the afro.... and there is Caden as a Rocker in the background.
Here are the adult characters
Shari and Cassidy
Cole and I on the hayride, trick or treating.
Joshua as Peter Pan.

Devenney, Tanner and Chase on the hayride.
Wonder Woman Twins, Devenney and Suzanna.
Cole and his lollipop.

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