Monday, October 26, 2009

Long Time since I have updated!

So since I have last updated you so much has changed. Cole changes dramatically every day so in the last couple months you can imagine the changes. Last Wednesday I picked up Cole early from school and we along with Michele, Sydney and Cody went to the Cole Brothers Circus. I was a little apprehensive at first but then to my surprise went really well. He just sat there for the most part and watched all of the events. We left at intermission but he lasted a little over an hour in bleachers. First out were the motorcycles (mo-mo cycles) that go into a ball and go round and round. Start with one, add another and then another. It was crazy. Then there luckily was enough going kept his attention. After the circus we went to Beefs and again, to my amazement, he did great. We had a great night!
Last weekend we went down to St. Teresa with Jim, Jennifer and Cassidy and once again Cole and Cassidy are inseparable. They play so well together and you can tell there is a mutual crush on each other. The weather was so cold but a somewhat nice reprieve from the 85 degree weather we had been living in. Saturday I took Cole home for a nap and then Brian and I headed back down to the beach for dinner at Angelo’s and then a bonfire on the beach. It was a really nice weekend. Sunday we all went to Jenn’s house (Whitney/Suzanna, Melissa/Carson/Triston, Shari/Joshua and Kay) for the kids to celebrate Suzanna’s birthday. Cole was singing “Happy Day Su-Nanna”. It was adorable.
Cole’s vocabulary is growing exponentially and it is so amazing to watch. He loves to sing songs (especially Baa Baa Black Sheep), play ball outside with Daddy, loves Dora, pizza, his friends and reading. He currently is not a fan of vegetables, most stuffed animals that talk or move, blowing his nose or really doing anything that we ask him todo. He likes a power struggle, I don't!
We got a potty a while back and put it in the bathroom but have not yet begun to do any potty training other than showing it to him and asking him if he wants to use it. He has not shown any interested until the last week or so he had wanted to sit on it. Monday and Tuesday night of last week he actually wanted to sit on it and peed in the potty both nights before bed. It was pretty cool that he wanted to sit on it and actually did something. So time will tell how much more interest he begins to show towards it.
I hope to be better about updating the blog. I will be adding a ton of picture below so enjoy!
My baby turns 2 Friday! “Oy vey!!!”

The tide was out in the morning and it was beautiful out there.

Showing off his belly!

He is making eyes at Cassidy.
I love his expression in this photo.
They starting walking around just holding hands. One would lead and then the other. So stinkin cute.

Cole kept picking up shells and saying "ooooh mama" as if it were gold.
A log they mounted like a horse.
Then they played in the yard, chasing one another around, climbing up and down the steps, and just geniunely having a great time.

Can't get me.....

Happy Birthday Su-Nanna!
Carson (Melissa's) and Cassidy - Cousins
This was interesting....we tried to get a group photo and you can imagine how well that worked out. Well here are the photos to prove how well it truly worked.

Circus Time!

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