Monday, June 15, 2009

Playing Catch-up

Here is a new thing Cole is doing while watching his favorites shows; lean on the ottoman with his foot up. Real Cute!

Last Wednesday Olivia and my dad (Granny and PePaw) came to town for a visit and we had a wonderful time. Cole was his usual charming self once his new facial expression wore off. I will have to capture it on film because it is a good one. Thursday I went in late so we could hang out a little longer with Granny and PePaw (which he says Papa, but it is adorable anyway he says something).

Showing his monkey impression
Saturday morning Cole and I went on a walk over to Bill and Michele's for their neighborhood garage sale and I did a little shopping as the kids played in the yard. Cole is on some antibiotics that advise him to avoid periods of exposure to sunlight so coming up with ideas of how to entertain him indoors was on my mind. Luckily Gram and Granddaddy came over to help entertain for a bit before nap and then we were able to enjoy the sun while Cole napped.

Sunday morning we had planned to hit the Junior Museum (as it used to be called) but unfortunately it didn't open until 12:30 so we, along with Bill/Michele/Syd/Cody (BMSC) went to Tom Brown Park to play for a bit. It is amazing how hot it already is here. At 8:45 I was already sweating so I hung out in the mister along with all the kids to cool off. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the park.

Syd showing off her monkey bar skillsCole watching Syd cross the monkey bars
Cody looking stylish in his "hat hat"
A little blurry but really cute
The kids were enjoying pushing all the buttons on this "game" and even the dads joined in the fun.
This was such a neat water fountain
Look at that smile
Cooling off with the mister
Carefully attempting to turn on the mister
After the park I thought I would try a movie with Cole since we were limiting the amount of time out in the sun, so I invited Sydney over. She and Cole watched Space Buddies and ate popcorn. Talk about cute, as seen below.

After nap, I decided to take my chances and allow Cole the opportunity to go swimming and BMSC, the Sumner's and the Mitchells stopped by for a dip. Cole had a great time with all the kids and thoroughly enjoyed jumping in the pool to me over and over and over. Then I would toss him in the air and catch him, but let him go under the water a bit. I was prepping him for his lessons that begin Monday.

After a fun day in the sun, a lovely quick thunderstorm came through and knocked our power out around 6:30 and it didn't come back on until 12:30. We certainly didn't expect it to be out that long but it was. Poor Cole was sweating so bad in his crib that I periodically would go in to fan him. He was so cute though only sleeping in a diaper. Brian and I determined after dinner (pizza delivery) by candlelight and a little heat, we had our camping experience and it would be a long time before we would need to do it again.

Monday we went to the doctor and had his 18 month checkup where he received a shot and then had to go and have some blood work done. Although he was a champ, it was rough on all of us. I asked Brian to hold him while they took his blood as I stood outside the room crying. But like I said he was such a big boy! However, afterwards he held his arm, would look at the bandage and cry. Here are the funniest photos I took of him "pouting".

Finally, we started swim lessons Monday night and considering how his day had gone, he did great. More to come with how those lessons are going later in the week.

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